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Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (TKRC)

Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (TKRC)

Structure of TKRC

Method of Preparation

Bibliography / References

Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (TKRC)
Traditional Knowledge documentation lacked a classification system. Therefore, a modern classification based on the structure of International Patent Classification (IPC) was evolved. This has been developed for the Indian Systems of medicine, viz., Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Yoga and named as Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (TKRC).The TKRC has gained international recognition and linked with the International Patent Classification.
TKRC is likely to facilitate greater awareness on the traditional knowledge systems by leveraging the modern system of dissemination i.e. Information Technology, in particular, the Internet and Web technologies. It is anticipated that TKRC structure and details will create interest in those countries that are concerned about prevention of grant of wrong patents for non-original discoveries relating to traditional knowledge systems.
Structure of TKRC
The TKRC is mainly divided into the following sections:
  • A – Ayurveda
  • B – Unani
  • C – Siddha
  • Y – Yoga
  • Section A ie Ayurveda is divided into the following classes:
  • 01 – Pharmaceutical preparations (Kalpana)
  • 02 – Personal Hygiene Preparations
  • 03 – Dietary (Food / Food stuff or Beverages )
  • 04 – Biocides, Fumigatives (Dhupana, Krimighna)
  • The Pharmaceutical preparations are divided into following sub-classes based on the material used.
  • 01A – Based on Plants (Audbhida)
  • 01B – Based on Animals (Jangama)
  • 01C – Based on Minerals (Parthiva)
  • 01D – Characterised by Diseases (Roga)
  • 01E – Characterised by Actions (Karma)
  • 01F – Mode of Administration
  • 01G – Miscellaneous
  • Thus, the sub-class A01A represents Pharmaceutical preparations (Kalpana) based on plants (Audbhida)
    Group A01A-1/00 is for Whole Medicinal Plants (Audbhida)
    There are group codes and subgroup codes for the rest of the Sub Classes.
    Similarly, classification has been developed for Unani, Siddha and Yoga systems.
    A01A-1/1326 is the TKRC code for the plant Nigella sativa. Nigella sativa belongs to the family Ranunculaceae which is classified under the sub-group, A61K 36/71 in the IPC classification. Therefore, the TKRC code A01A-1/326 is linked to A61K 36/71 and Nigella sativa can in turn be searched using either of the above codes.
    Method of Preparation
    The codes for method of preparation are based on various methods and preparations defined in the Indian Systems of Medicine. At present there are 80 preparation codes which completely describe a particular method of preparation.
    For example, one of the codes used for the method of preparation is AM1 for Arista which has been described below:
    AM1- Arista
    The drugs mentioned in the text are coarsely powdered (Yavakut) and Kasaya is prepared. The Kasaya is filtered with a cloth and kept in the fermentation pot, vessel or barrel. Sugar, jaggery or honey, according to the formula, is dissolved, boiled and added. Drugs mentioned as Praksepa Dravyas* are finely powdered and added. At the end, Dhatakipuspa (Woodfordia fruticosa (Linn.) Kurz.- flowers), if included in the formula, should be properly cleaned and added. The mouth of the pot, vessel or barrel is covered with an earthen lid and the edges sealed with clay-smeared cloth wound in seven consecutive layers.The container is kept either in a special room in an underground cellar or in a heap of paddy, so as to ensure that for the duration of fermentation, as far as possible, a constant temperature is maintained, since varying temperatures may impede or accelerate the fermentation. After the specified period, the lid is removed, and the contents examined to ascertain whether the process of fermentation (Sandhana) has been completed. The fluid is first decanted and then strained after two or three days. When the fine suspended particles settle down, it is strained and bottled.
    *Praksepa Dravyas - The fine powder of some fragrant and other drugs like honey, clarified butter etc. to make the formulation more palatable and increase its potency are called Praksepa Dravyas. These are generally mixed in Avalehakalpana, Asava-arista, Kasayakalpana etc.
    Bibliography / References
    TKRC also contains the entire bibliography of the traditional knowledge texts used in the creation of TKDL. The code on bibliography has been prepared to identify the references of publication where in the information relating to traditional knowledge is available which can be retrieved. This includes the name of the book, name of the author, name of the publication, edition, parts of the book and year of publication of the book etc. Basically, a standard citation procedure has been followed.
    AB1 - Caraka Samhita - Edited & translated by P.V Sharma, Vol.-I : Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Edn. 6th, 2000.[Time of origin 1000 BC-4th century ]
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