
Ref: Examiner(s) Comments in the Examination Report Dated: 04.03.2011 in the context of Patent Application No. 1642/DEL/2006 at CGPDTM

1. Relevant Extract of CGPDTM Examination report

Based on search conducted in TKDL database the Examiner concluded:

“Claims 1-7 fall within the scope of such clause of section 3(p) of the Patent Act, 1970, as the subject matter of the said claims are traditionally known since years in view of following documents.

1. HG/763 Sarpigu?a? (02) (sarpigu?ik?)

Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases : Emaciation /Cachexia(?o?a),Cough / Bronchitis(k?sa),Pulmonary cavitation(ura? k?ata),Haemoptysis(rakta ni??h?vana),Burning sensation(d?ha),Ozaena, sinusitis(HR)(p?nasa),Pain(r?j?/vedan?),Pleurodynia and intercostal neuralgia(p?r??va??la),Headache (?ira???la),Pain(r?j?/vedan?),
IPC Codes : A61K 36/899, A61K 125/00, A61K 131/00, A61K 135/00,

Knowledge Known Since : 1000 years
Bibliography : Bh?rata Bhai?ajya Ratn?kara ,Caraka Sa?hit? ,Gadanigraha?,Va?gasena ,V?ndam?dhava,
Keyword(s)/Ingredient(s) : pa?cak??r? v?k?a,Ficus benghalensis Linn.(nyagrodha, va?a),Ficus racemosa Linn.(udumbara),Ficus religiosa Linn.(a?vattha),Thespesia populnea (Linn.) Soland. ex Correa(p?ri?a, gardabh???a, kap?tana),Ficus virens Ait. Syn.: F. lacor Buch.- Ham.(plak?a),Sida cordifolia Linn.(bal?) Root(m?la),Pueraria tuberosa DC.(vid?r?, ??abhaka-j?vaka (sth?n?panna au?adhi)) Tuber/bulb/corm(kanda),Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. / Boerhaavia chinensis (Linn.) Asch. & Schw. Syn.: B. repanda Willd.(punarnav?) Root(m?la),Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth.(?ir??a) Vegetative buds / Young bud(?u?ga),Malaxis muscifera (Lindl.) O. Kuntze Syn.: Microstylis musifera Ridley(j?vaka) Rhizome(prakanda),Malaxis acuminata D. Don Syn.: Microstylis wallichii Lindl / Pueraria tuberosa DC.(??abhaka) Tuber/bulb/corm(kanda),Polygonatum verticillatum Linn. (med? bheda, mah?med? bheda) Rhizome(prakanda),Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle / Asparagus racemosus Willd.(mah?med?, med?) Rhizome(prakanda),Lilium polyphyllum D. Don / Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dun.(kakol?, k??rak?kol?) Tuber/bulb/corm(kanda),Fritillaria roylei Hook. / Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dun.(k??rak?kol?? kukku??) Tuber/bulb/corm(kanda),Teramnus labialis (Linn. f.) Spreng.(m??apar??) Root(m?la),Vigna trilobata (Linn.) Verdc. Syn.: Phaseolus trilobus Ait. (mudagapar??) St.Bark,Leaf,Flower,Fruit&Root(Pancanga),Leptadenia reticulata Wight & Arn.(j?vant?) St.Bark,Leaf,Flower,Fruit&Root(Pancanga),Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.(ya??imadhu, kl?taka (sth?n?panna au?adhi)) Rhizome(prakanda),Milk(dugdha/k??ra/payas) Cow(gau),Milk(dugdha/k??ra/payas) She goat(aj?),Pueraria tuberosa DC.(vid?r?, ??abhaka-j?vaka (sth?n?panna au?adhi)) Tuber/bulb/corm(kanda),Clarified butter(gh?ta/sarpi) Cow(gau),Sugar candy(mi?r?/sitopal?) ,Triticum aestivum Linn.(godh?ma) Seed(b?ja/ phal?sthi),Piper longum Linn.(pippal?) Fruit(phala),Bamboo manna / Curcuma angustifolia Roxb.(va??alocana) Powder(c?r?a),Trapa natans Linn. var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Makino Syn.: T. bispinosa Roxb.(???g??aka) Fruit(phala),Honey(madhu/k?audra) “

Full examination report can be referred at 1642-DEL-2006.pdf

2. Outcomes of Examination Report

As the outcome of TKDL references and other documents cited in examination reports, Controller decided to refuse the Application 1642/DEL/2006 for grant of patent on 23.09.2013.