
Ref: Examiner(s) Comments in the Examination Report Dated: 29.03.2011 in the context of Patent Application No. 1577/DEL/2006 at CGPDTM

1. Relevant Extract of CGPDTM Examination report

Based on search conducted in TKDL database the Examiner concluded:


Subject matter of claims lack novelty and inventive step under section 2(1)(j) of Patents Act,1970,Amendment 2005 in view of all documents cited below:

IPD1-RS21/683 Ardhavabhedakahara Yoga
Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases: Hemicrania / Migraine (ardh?vabhedaka),
Knowledge Known Since: 50 years
Bibliography: Rasatantras?ra? Evam Siddhaprayogasa?graha?;,
Ingredient(s) : Lavandula stoechas Linn.(ustakhudd?sa, dh?r? (y?.)) Flower(pu?pa),Coriandrum sativum Linn.(dh?nyaka) Fruit(phala),Piper longum Linn.(pippal?) Fruit(phala),Coral / Corallium rubrum(prav?la/vidruma) ,Tinospora cordifolia Miers(gu??c?) Stem(k???a),Mica / Biotite(abhraka)-

IPD2-AA1/344 Atoos Bara-e- Siql-e- Raas
Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases : Heaviness of head(Siql-al-Raas),
Knowledge Known Since : 1000 years
Bibliography : Kitaab al Haawi fil Tibb,
Keyword(s)/Ingredient(s) : Citrullus colocynthis (Linn.) Schrad.(Hanzal) Fruit pulp(Goodah-e-Samar),Piper nigrum Linn.(Filfil (Safaid/Siyah)) Seed(Tukhm/Bazr/Buzoor),Schoenocaulon officinale (Schl. & Cham.) A.Gray(Kundush) ,Lavandula stoechas Linn.(Ustukhudoos / Nudd) ,Castorium / Beaver(Jundbedastar/Ood Belaao/ Khazmeyaan).

IPD4-BA3/705C Zimaad Sudaa`-e- Haar
Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases : Hot headache(Suda?-e-Haar),Headache (Congestive)(Suda?-e-Damvi),Headache (Bilious)(Suda?-e-Safraavi),Headache (Migraine)(Suda?-e-Nisfi/Shaqeeqa),Insomnia(Sahar),Meningitis(Sarsaam),Facial erysipelas(Maashraa),Tic douloreux(Asaaba),
Knowledge Known Since : 100 years
Bibliography : Quaraabaadeen Azam wa Akmal,
Keyword(s)/Ingredient(s) : Santalum album Linn.(Sandal Safaid/Sandal Zard) ,Coriandrum sativum Linn.(Kishneez) Fresh(Taazah),Papaver somniferum Linn.(Khashkhaash / (Safaid/Siyaah)/Afiyun/Khashkhaash Barri / Khashkhaash Zabdi / Khashkhaash Manzoor / Khashkhaash Bahri) ,

IPD5-BA3/705C1 Zimaad Qurs-e- Musallas
Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases : Hot headache(Suda?-e-Haar),Headache (Congestive)(Suda?-e-Damvi),Headache (Bilious)(Suda?-e-Safraavi),Headache (Migraine)(Suda?-e-Nisfi/Shaqeeqa),Insomnia(Sahar),Meningitis(Sarsaam),Facial erysipelas(Maashraa),Tic douloreux(Asaaba),
Knowledge Known Since : 100 years
Bibliography : Quaraabaadeen Azam wa Akmal,
Keyword(s)/Ingredient(s) : Coriandrum sativum Linn.(Kishneez) Fresh(Taazah),Papaver somniferum Linn.(Khashkhaash / (Safaid/Siyaah)/Afiyun/Khashkhaash Barri / Khashkhaash Zabdi / Khashkhaash Manzoor / Khashkhaash Bahri) ,

IPD6- BA3/711A Zimaad Bara-e- Shaqeeqa Haar
Useful in the Treatment of following Diseases : Headache (Migraine)(Suda?-e-Nisfi/Shaqeeqa),
Knowledge Known Since : 100 years
Bibliography : Quaraabaadeen Azam wa Akmal,
Keyword(s)/Ingredient(s) : Coriandrum sativum Linn.(Kishneez) St.Bark,Leaf,Flower,Fruit&Root(Nabat Musallam),Vinegar(Khall) Papaver somniferum Linn.(Khashkhaash / (Safaid/Siyaah)/Afiyun/Khashkhaash Barri / Khashkhaash Zabdi / Khashkhaash Manzoor / Khashkhaash Bahri) Exudate(Taraavush / Samagh / Samagh-e-Kaaj/Raal),

Novelty under section 2(1)(j) of Patents ACt,1970:

IPD1 discloses all the ingredients of the composition as disclosed in the present invention and is used for treatment of migraine. Thus the present claims lack novelty in view of the cited document.
Inventive step under section 2(1)(j)(a) of Patents Act,1970:
IPD2 cites Piper and Lavandula and is used for treatment of headache.
IPD3 discloses the use of Piper for the treatment of migraine.
IPD4 discloses the use of coriandrum for the treatment of migraine.
IPD5,IPD6 discloses the use of coriandrum for the treatment of migraine.

The problem to be solved by the present invention seems be the provision of a herbal composition containing Lavandula,Coriandrum and Piper which is effective against migraine. All the above mentioned documents disclose the use of the components singly as well as in mosaic of citations used in the composition of the invention for the same use. Given the similarity in between the components of IPD1-IPD6 and claimed composition, it would be obvious to a person skilled in the art to make the composition to solve the technical problem. The person skilled in the art would have expected that relatively minor changes in the components would have no fundamental impact on properties of the ingredients known. Thus no inventive step can be acknowledged for the present set of claims.

a) Claims 1-4 falls within the scope of such clause(p) of section 3 of Patents Act,1970-The problem to be solved by the present invention seems be the provision of a herbal composition containing Lavandula, Coriandrum and Piper which is effective against migraine.It is observed that the documents above have all been in the public domain since 1000 to 50 years. Since the composition of the invention appears to be part of traditional knowledge of India the composition as claimed falls under section 3(p) of the Patents Act,1970.

Distinguishing features as compared with prior art given is not clear and should be provided. The complete specification does not provide the advantages of the claimed invention vis a vis drawbacks of the compound/compositions/processes already known in the prior art.”

Full examination report can be referred at 1577-DEL-2006.pdf

2. Outcomes of Examination Report

As the outcome of TKDL references and other documents cited in examination report, the Application is under Examination.